Tom Kean Jr. - Representative 7th District
Tom’s allegiance to public service has been inspired by the proud heritage of the Kean family. Tom is continuing a legacy of dedicated public service to New Jersey. From a young age, Tom understood and recognized the importance of civic engagement.
Tom embarked on his career in public service after graduating from university, when he received an appointment from President George H.W. Bush to work in the Environmental Protection Agency, where he met his wife, Rhonda. Following the Bush administration, he had the opportunity to serve in Congressman Bob Franks’ office in Washington, DC. His core responsibility was to advise the congressman on commerce, energy resources, environmental and foreign affairs issues. In addition to his professional duties in Washington, DC, he was a vice president of a fire department, where he volunteered as a firefighter and an emergency medical technician.
Following his time in America’s capital, he attended the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. There, he received a master’s degree in law and diplomacy and was also employed as a graduate school instructor. Tom completed his doctoral studies ABD at Fletcher. Tom, determined to answer the call to public service again, believed he, personally, could turn ideas into action and make a lasting difference in people’s lives. In 2001, Tom was elected to the New Jersey General Assembly. Two years later, Tom was named to the upper house of the state legislature.
Tom served on the Senate Higher Education, Senate Commerce, and Legislative Oversight committees. He was also the Senate appointee to the New Jersey Council on the Arts, the New Jersey Israel Commission, and the New Jersey Amistad Commission. Additionally, Tom is an Honorary Member of the Board of Trustees of the Paper Mill Playhouse and the New Jersey Festival Orchestra. Tom, Rhonda, and their two daughters reside in Westfield.